El Salvador declares state of emergency (again)
On January 29, 2025, El Salvador's Legislative Assembly passed a resolution extending for the 35th time the State of Exception under which the country's residents have lived since March 27, 2022. There was no debate. There was no evidence presented of the emergency circumstances required by the Salvadoran constitution to justify the suspension of rights to due process in the criminal justice system and warrantless interception of communications. Where would such evidence come from today in the country that Nayib Bukele proclaims the safest in the western hemisphere? In the almost three years of the State of Exception, the government says it has arrested more than 85,000 persons and put them in the country's prison system, imprisoning 1.8% of the country's population. As of the fall 2024, 12,900 of the country's prison population are women. The online periodical Focos notes that the high level of incarceration does not bother Bukele: Fo...