Pat Robertson's comments have impact in El Salvador

On Monday, August 22, television preacher Pat Robertson declared:
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if [Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war."
That comment brought condemnation from many, and was repudiated by US government officials, but it has created a political firestorm in El Salvador. Schafik Handal, the FMLN leader, was in Cuba to attend the graduation of a class of doctors from medical school on the day Robertson's remarks were made. Hugo Chavez was also there. Handal was a guest on a call-in show "Aló Presidente!" which Chavez broadcasts. In response to questions about Pat Robertson's remarks, Handal stated that El Salvador would send hundreds, even thousands of combatants to support Venezuela if it was attacked by the US.

Tony Saca immediately condemned Handal's remarks, asserting that only the president of the country could decide when to commit Salvadorans to war. Saca asserted that Handal's comments showed that the FMLN had not freed itself from a war-like mentality. Meanwhile ARENA deputies in the National Assembly have called for an investigation of the FMLN. The deputies assert that the comments of Handal must mean that the FMLN has weapons hidden in the country. Tony Saca has suggested that there should be an investigation by both the legislature and the Attorney General.


Anonymous said…
Es increible que Handal esté todavia vivo. Yo creo que ya ALGUIEN lo hubiera hecho desaparecer! lo mismo que Chavez, Fidel y también al hombre reverendo negro Jakson de Estados Unidos que fué a ver a Chavez!
Anonymous said…
Discupla, lo que dices son puros idiotesas y tu opinion ni tiene ningun base logica. No dices PORQUE deberian hacer Handal "desaparecer" o quien sea. Eso de seguro es "democracia" para usted, andar "desapareciendo" los que tienen opiniones apuesto de los tuyos. Esos motivos, o pensamientos de violencia y de odio creyo la guerra que duro 12 anos, y donde miles de personas innocentes murieron. Piensa de adonde viene esos sentimientos, y si eres Christiano, como va pensar de eso tu Dios...
Anonymous said…
Los comentarios de Robertson son una clara introduccion a la mentalidad gringa durante la Guerra Fria, que causo gran revuelco en la comunidad Latino Americana, y que al parecer todavia prevalece. Es una lastima. Mas aun es la lastima es cuando se toma como ejemplo a El Salvador. Un pais donde los escuadrones de la muerte, aprobados por el gobierno y patrocinado por los progenitores de ARENA, masacraron a inocentes. Asi que es una desgracia que piensas como piensas Anynymous #1. Ese tipo de mentalidad es la culpable de muchos males en este pais. Democracia? Para mi esto es una gran farsa.