Poll on crime

A recent CID-Gallup/El Diario de Hoy poll shows a desire for get-tough measures to deal with criminals.

Polling Data

Which of these solutions would be the best to deal with crime in El Salvador?

Deploying the army to fight criminals - 29%
Enacting tougher punishments - 24%
The death penalty - 21%
Hiring more police officers - 15%
Allowing minors to be tried as adults - 12%

Do you have confidence in criminals being rehabilitated in Salvadoran prisons?
Complete confidence - 15%
Some confidence - 20%
Little confidence - 34%
No confidence - 27%


Anonymous said…
Damn, aren't Salvadorans stupid...

Regime of State of Exception, Remilitarization, Anti-Terror Law, what else?

How freakingly foolish are my compatriots to PLAY RIGHT INTO ARENAZI's hands. This is another case of stripping off people's freedoms in name of national security.

The question is, WHY THE HELL WASN'T THE MILITARY ABOLISHED COME THE PEACE ACCORDS? Why is the PNC so illy managed, equipped, financed, staffed, yet the no-good army is the best financed institute of the nation?

Hell, I guess I have to thank the maras, because they've managed to make people beg of going back to military law governing people's lives. They proved to be useful for ARENA, in many ways... Seeing how this "poll" appeared on the Official Paper, it wouldn't surprise me if the President doesn't propose doing just that...
Anonymous said…
Oops, now that I remember, HE SUGGESTED REMILITARIZING the nation just a few months ago. Silly me.