Kids at the museum

The Tin-Marin Museum is a children's museum in San Salvador. It is a fun and interactive learning center that is divided into four areas; culture, technology, environment, and health. Kids can paint a VW, make paper, practice balance in the Gravity house, sit in the cockpit of a 727, and dozens of other activities.
While surfing blogs from El Salvador, I came across this great entry from Laura, a Peace Corps volunteer in Ahuachapan, about a trip with local kids to the museum:
a couple of kids said they'd never gone anywhere but ataco or ahuachapán....that this was the first time they'd been anywhere outside of their backyard. we pulled into the museum parking lot and their faces just lit up, like they'd just arrived at some magical place that only existed in their dreams. imagine what it was like once we got inside.....Read the entire entry here and see the great pictures of Laura's kids and their day at the museum.
The Museum, which opened its doors on October 29th, 1999, was founded by Jacqueline Laffite Bloch, who is Honduran. She is now widow of Bloch, the late great businessman.
The Museum was built 100% through the kindness of private individuals and the generosity of private enterprises such as TACA.