Surviving Guazapa

A commenter on the blog pointed my attention to a new movie which premieres in January in El Salvador titled "Surviving Guazapa." The movie is an action film set during the period of El Salvador's civil war where there was fierce fighting on and around the Guazapa volcano. You can read a synopsis and view a trailer at the movie's website.


Anonymous said…
The website calls it the first feature film about El Salvador's civil war.

Let's see...
Salvador (Oscar Stone)
Innocent Voices/Voces Inocentes
El-Visitador said…
The trailer looks decent and the project appears to be 100% native. It is really difficult to make anything that is 120min.

Impressive, I'd say, so far.

We'll have to see it!

- * -

... However, a major weakness of the trailer is its overemphasis on the action shots. Surely there is more dialog and more meaningful between the two guys in conflict than "where to now?" "you dog" and "how are you going to leave here here?"

Overall, the argument as described reminds me of Kukushka (2002).
Salvi_Alchemist said…
Oliver Stone made Salvador. Many critics have said that was his best film, better than JFK or Platoon.
Brian said…
"The website calls it the first feature film about El Salvador's civil war.

Let's see...
Salvador (Oscar Stone)
Innocent Voices/Voces Inocentes"

I believe they were crediting the film as the first to be entirely native in its production-that is Salvadoran. The production company, the actors, etc. Romero and Salvador were both American films, Innocent voices was Mexican in production.

