The Economy -- El Salvador and its neighbors
As part of my current series on economic topics, I've collected a series of comparative economic statistics for El Salvador and its neighbors in Central America. The source of these statistics is the CIA World Factbook which compiles these statistics and many, many more. The chart below compares the per capita GDP (gross domestic product) of these nations. This is the economic output of the country divided by its population and is a rough measure of the economic prosperity of a country.
For this measure, GDP is measured on a "purchasing power parity" basis which is designed to allow comparisons among countries. For a greater explanation, you can read the definitions from the CIA World Factbook.
The statistics for the individual countries are set out below:
* Note -- I'm not sure where the CIA got its population figure for El Salvador. The 2007 census in El Salvador tallied only 5.7 million people in the country. Even though the CIA labels the figure a July 2009 estimate, this is almost a 25% difference. Using the 5.7 million figure would produce a per capita GDP of $7700.
For this measure, GDP is measured on a "purchasing power parity" basis which is designed to allow comparisons among countries. For a greater explanation, you can read the definitions from the CIA World Factbook.
(click on chart for a larger version)
The statistics for the individual countries are set out below:
El Salvador
GDP $43.94 billion
Per capita GDP $6,200
Population 7,185,218 *
Growth rate 3.2%
Costa Rica
GDP $48.48 billion
Per capita GDP $11,600
Population 4,253,877
Growth rate 3%
GDP $16.83 billion
Per capita GDP $2,900
Population 5,891,199
Growth rate 2%
GDP $33.63 billion
Per capita GDP $4,400
Population 7,792,854
Growth rate 4%
GDP $68.02 billion
Per capita GDP $5,200
Population 13,276,517
Growth rate 3.8%
GDP $38.49 billion
Per capita GDP $11,600
Population 3,360,474
Growth rate 8.3%
GDP $2.577 billion
Per capita GDP $8,600
Population 307,899
Growth rate 4.8%
* Note -- I'm not sure where the CIA got its population figure for El Salvador. The 2007 census in El Salvador tallied only 5.7 million people in the country. Even though the CIA labels the figure a July 2009 estimate, this is almost a 25% difference. Using the 5.7 million figure would produce a per capita GDP of $7700.
How many in El Sal make 7700 dollars a year?
I would say, most people make $300/mo. With that: $3-4000 USD a year.
is a mistake. Approximately 20% of the wealthy get
the 80% of GDP and the 80% of the population gets
the 20% of the gross product left.
Poverty in El Salvador runs between 48 % to 54 %
source;Cepal (2003 )
Otro dato comparativo: la renta de un auto por un día cuesta un mínimo de $ 125 en Santa Ana .
Comer pizza familiar en El Salvador cuesta; $15.00 es decir dos días de trabajo. La conversión de colones a dólares se hizo sin un estudio serio de equivalencias de precios: colón=0.08 es ahora $1.00 encareciendo la vida desproporcionadamente
dólares,pues los precios se trasladoron a dólares;
pero los salarios se reciben en equivalente a colones.
Un salario de 800. colones nos se tradujo en $800.00
dólares,sino en $100. Cómo la ven "desdiay" ?
222 USD /mo
7.41 USD / day
Cuanto cuestan los frijoles y arroz?
LA comida cuesta igual que de EU pero no se estan pagando, a ellos, un salrio vital?
Increible la corta memoria que la gente tiene antes de de la dolarización. Hemos avanzado mucho, y la clase media ha crecido y, en parte, es por la estabilidad de la moneda. Tener dolares nos acerca a EEUU. Es muy importante cuidar nuestra relacion con EEUU por todos nuestros hermanos que se encuentran alla que buscan mejorar sus vidas y las vidas de sus familias que se han quedado aqui.
Típicos comentarios salvadoreños,solo viendo las cosas malas y nunca las buenas! Si, las pandillas son un problema, la corrupción también, pero porque no promovemos las cosas buenas que tenemos mas que las malas? Trabajemos JUNTOS TODOS, no somo areneros y del frente, ni ricos y pobres... tenemos que trabajar juntos y no luchar entre nosotros para que progrese El Salvador.