Team in blue continues quest for a World Cup berth

It's time to take a break from talking about politics on this blog to celebrate the continuing success of El Salvador's national team in its quest to qualify for the 2010 World Cup soccer championship in South Africa. Yesterday, the Salvadorans beat Mexico 2-1, and moved into third place in the hexagonal qualifying matches. The top 3 places automatically qualify for the World Cup. The team's star, Eliseo Quintanilla, scored a late game goal on a penalty kick to provide the margin of victory. The Salvadorans will play at Honduras on Wednesday.


El Mago Gonzalez said…
!Que vivan los catrachos y los salvatrucos que vencieron a los poderios del Norte!

!David venza a Goliat!
Anonymous said…
Undoubtedly it was a thriller in Cuzcatlan Stadium yesterday! It was a great and stunning victory for the Salvadoran National Team.

I suppose that the only negative blotch on an otherwise spectacular afternoon, came from the fans themselves who displayed before the world their unsportsmanlike and rowdy rabble conduct.

It's inconceivable that the Civilian Police could not control the shameful behavior of these crowds running rampant and turning loose their lowest instincts. The unbelivable harassing of the visiting team at their hotel and then later, even jeering as the Mexican National Anthem played. Shameful!

Perhaps it's unfair and difficult to blame the Salvadoran fans though, let's remember that El Salvador only has a glimpse of glory once every 30 years! And I'm sure the fans realize that this fleeting moment in the sun will quickly fade as the Costa Ricans bring reality back to El Salvador with an overwhelming tsunami of goles.

It was back in 1970 when El Salvador's futbol mattered last, and after so many years of frustracion I suppose the fans deserve to celebrate with the tune, "El Pajaro Picon Picon."

Lazaro desde CR
Capital of Central American Soccer
Anonymous said…
And to be a little more specific and realistic, just so their won't be any comfusion, "Costa Rica" Capital of Central America.

Alex Dimas CR
Anonymous said…
Que bien! Unicamente van quedando La Mancha Brava Catracha, La Chuzma Salvatrucha, y el Tricolor de la Seleccion Tica.

Ya conocemos a los Salvatruchos y no obstante su sucio juego al no mas vayan perdiendo, la elegante seleccion nacional de Costa Rica les va dar baile y les va meter una lluvia de golazos...

Henry Piedra
San Jose
Anonymous said…
Mejico perdio la partidita por mal albitraje, pero sigue siendo de los paises mas ricos del mundo.

Si lo dudan, digame cual otro pais tiene tanto ladron y sigue consideradose como pais viable? Nosotros los Mejicanos hasta tenemos ex-presidentes con castillos en Irlanda, mientras los Salvatruchos no llegan a mas que una casucha de campo alla por Panchimalco.
Anonymous said…
Mexico perdio porque perdio ante una superior tactica futbolistca. Nosotros conocimos al oponenete y supimos ganar la supremacia ante sus debilidades. Ahora nos tocar ver para adelante, lo de ayer quedo atras. Catrachos en las miras. Adelate Seleccion Nacional.

Beto Recinos
Barrio San Jacinto
Anonymous said…
Tim, although I was pleased to hear that my country had won the game, I really looked with disbelief how much lack of sportsmanship my people have. I saw people on the stages throwing garbage at what appeared to be the opposing team. Proud to be a Salvadorian, but I never once rub it into anybody's faces like they do here in the US or in ES. Seriously Salvadorian people really need a complete ethical makeover.
Anonymous said…
To the above post,

A complete ethical madeover is a complement. From what I saw at of that game, Salvadoreans need human decency and manners. They sport fans seems to be lacking in about everything and can be defined as cheap rabble.

I hope they get their candy asses kicked by the mancha brava catracha, because the Ticos will overwhelm that rabble with "una goleada de loco."

Nando "el gallo" Felix
Jersey City
Anonymous said…
Quiero ver como les va a esos guanacos mugrosos cuando intenten cruzar Mejico en su migracion hacia los yuanis.
Anonymous said…
El la descripcion de los guanacos y su comportamiento deportivo, se les olvido mencionar lo principal que los identifica:

1) Un complejo de inferioridad, y

2) Una envidia cronica hacia los demas.
Anonymous said…
Nando "el gallo" Felix.

No need to go out of it like that, but you do make a good point. My people need to find another way to deal with some if not all their disappointments. It is good to constantly bring it to their attention because if left unchecked they will keep on living with the idea that being a pig is a normal thing when it is not. This form of behavior is something that I wish my people would at least change here in the US. Show that we can be civilized to the rest to the world. Until that day comes I can only look upon that the part of my peoples in disappointment. Thankfully I pressure my kids to not throw garbage on the street. To pick it up and put it in a public garbage can, hopefully most gringos will think different of us.
Anonymous said…
To the hopeful above post,

I too hopefully with that Salvadoreans would join humanity and learn to respect the rights of others, and to not be so envious of anyone they feel inferior to because of their own chronic inferiority complex.

We certainly don't want to live in an overturned garbage can like the Salvadoreans do.

It's all a matter of education, and education that starts in the home.

Nando "El Gallo" Felix
Anonymous said…
Vaya! Los catrachos March Brava acabaron con la galleria de los Salvatruchos. Que alegria!
Anonymous said…
Sorry I forgot to add, "We certainly don't want to live in an overturned garbage can like the Salvadoreans (or me and my wife "la Gallina", twelve children, and half of my in laws, do at my home.)"

Nando "La Garza" Felix
Anonymous said…
With the need for a nickname like "El Gallo" it sounds like you are the one with an inferiority complex
Anonymous said…
Para el anterior anonymo maje,

Mi novia me dice durante nuestras diarias sesiones intimidades, que no soy un gallito fino y con mucha clase. Que no soy nadita como los gallos chorompos que unicamente hacen malicias y quieren asustar con el petate del muerto.

Este es un gallo giro bien jugado que nunca se raja y que en cualqier patio canta. Cuando los gallos chorombos me ven, se ponen a chacaracear como gallinas culecas.
Anonymous said…
Bien dicho!

Ya no se ven gallos de verdad, solamente se ven gallinitas culecas pero que ni huevos ponen.

Arriba el Gallo Giro de Tamaulipas.
Anonymous said…
Este gallito giro pasea su garbo por cualquier palenque.

El que no se le corre, se queda sembrado para gallo con chicha.

Si tiene 10 mil dolaritos para perder y un gallo para jugar, ya sabe aqui se le acepta y muy en privado.
Anonymous said…
No seas tonto, que no sabes que los Salvadoreneos no apuestan ni tienen interes en competir. Lo unico para que son buenos es para robar y llevarse cualquier cosa que no esta bien clavado, tambien son la mama para asaltar a los viejitas (entre mas indefensas, mejor). La ilusion de todo Salvadoreneio es irse para los yunais para hacer las del chivo carnero y vivir del guelfare.
No existe familia que no tenga por los menos uno de ese depravador ya en los yunai de illegal.
Anonymous said…
Concacaf Power Rankings 1. USA 2. Costa Rica 3. Honduras-Mexico (tied). Long gone are the days when it was Mexico and then everyone else.
Unknown said…
To Nando "el Gallo Feliz"
You Wrote:
"I too hopefully with that Salvadorans would join humanity and learn to respect the rights of others, and to not be so envious of anyone they feel inferior to because of their own chronic inferiority complex.

We certainly don't want to live in an overturned garbage can like the Salvadorans do.

It's all a matter of education, and education that starts in the home."

From the way you write English I can tell it is not your first language. It also indicates how ignorant you are. It seems to me that the one that suffers from a complex is you and not the Salvadoran people in general.
I am Salvadoran and I don't live in an "overturned garbage" like you say.
Your offensive words indicate your hatred and envy. I don't know where you're from; neither do I care. You need to learn to respect. I'm pretty sure you're the one that comes from a garbage dump.
You also said:
"It's all a matter of education, and education that starts in the home."
What education are you referring to? Not yours, I assume, because it is evident that you are not educated.
I am Salvadoran, and I am educated like are many Salvadorans.
Don't be so ignorant as to confuse a few zealot football fans with all Salvadorans. That is just ridiculous.
Next time, look at where you’re from and at your own conditions as a human being before you leave such insulting remarks.
Angel Trujillo
A Salvadoran Citizen