La Calabiuza

El Salvador does not have Halloween, but there is La Calabiuza. On the evening of November 1, the residents of the Salvadoran town of Tonacatapeque, northeast of San Salvador, celebrate the Día de la Calabiuza with a parade and street festival. During the celebration, the costumed revelers recall the mythological characters of El Salvador and their dead relatives. The night ended with music and a dance in the central square.

To see some images from this year's celebration, you can watch this video from La Prensa:

or this video from

The following day, November 2, is the "Día de los fieles difuntos" -- the Day of the Faithful Souls or the Day of the Dead. Families go to visit the graves of their loved ones with flowers and picnicking. You can see a photo gallery of images from this celebration in and around the cemetery in Tonacatapeque at this link.
