Top 10 Oscar Romero stories of 2012

I am privileged once again this year to re-publish our friend Polycaprio's list of the Top 10 Oscar Romero stories of 2012. You can find the original and much more at his Super Martyrio blog . Our traditional end-of-year round-up of Romero stories for the past 12 months reveals that, while Archbishop Romero slept the sleep of the just in his canonization cause this year, 2012 may be recalled as, «The Year of the Monument.» The year was notable for some unexpected Romero tributes, memorials and monuments that will cause his legacy and legend to grow.The tributes we consider below go beyond the now traditional commemorations of Romero held every year, including around the date of his martyrdom. The March tributes now include those organized by the Romero Trust in London. “This year,” the Trust reported , “there was a record number of special liturgies, masses, talks, film showings, workshops and cultural events held in Scotland, Wales and England.” Here in America...