Salvadorans evaluate the 5 years of Funes' presidency

The University of Central America Institute for Public Opinion released an opinion poll yesterday describing Salvadorans' view of their outgoing president, Mauricio Funes.   Funes was the country's first ever president elected from the left wing FMLN.  He will be succeeded by Salvador Sanchez Ceren, his vice president and minister of education.

  • The government of Funes received an average grade of 6.59 on a 10 point scale, higher than any previous right wing ARENA administration at the conclusion of its term.
  • The achievement most cited by respondents was the new program which provided school packets, uniforms and shoes to all public school students.
  • The primary failure of the Funes' administration was its failure to address the level of criminal activity in the county.
  • Half of all respondents believed that the situation in the country will improve under the incoming administration of Salvador Sanchez Ceren.


Hodad said…
right on que chevere, we are not done yet, also folks get in touch with me for projects I am in the FOMELENIO -MCC dialogue
and access to funds for positive coastal development and a lot in sustainable fishing and aquaculture I was at the first forum in regards in September 2013
I will be back there in June

Viva El Frente