D'Aubuisson: No street will carry your name!

Roberto D'Aubuisson The mayor of San Salvador, Norman Quijano, has announced that the city will rename one of its principal streets for Roberto D'Aubuisson. Quijano, who is a member of the right-wing ARENA party founded by D'Aubuisson, plans to rename Calle San Antonio Abad, for the former major in the Salvadoran army. D'Aubuisson is one of the most infamous names from El Salvador's civil war. The tags most often associated with him are "sponsor of death squads" and "man who gave the order to assassinate archbishop Oscar Romero". The decision to name a boulevard for him has sparked outrage among those concerned with justice for victims of human rights abuses during the country's civil war. While the Salvadoran court system never brought justice for D'Aubuisson's victims, the UN Truth Commission, which took testimony and reviewed the record of the war years, left no doubt about D'Aubuisson's role in death ...