El Salvador's tourism police
An article on the Jaunted.com website titled Meet the Politur, El Salvador’s Police Force Just for Tourists describes the work of a group of police who patrol El Salvador's tourist destinations:
To combat misconceptions, increase public safety, and aid the growth of tourism, El Salvador has a special department of the National Civilian Police. They're called the Politur and they're here to help.
Established about 7 years ago, the Politur are professional police officers specially trained to offer safety for tourists. Currently there are about 500 officers throughout the country, who chiefly patrol areas frequented by visitors. The Politur's jurisdiction includes areas like the national parks, airports, city centers, and major hotels.
In addition to training to proactively prevent crime, the officers attend workshops to learn the basics of many different foreign languages. There is even a required scuba diving certification they must pass, accorded a similar importance as their firearm training.Politur even has its own Facebook page featuring tourist destinations and festivals around the country. It's the only webpage of a police force which I would recommend visiting before planning my vacation!