Political money in El Salvador

El Salvador's Secretary of Participation, Transparency and Anti-corruption (SPTA), Marcos Rodríguez, has published for the first time a report of donors and their money flowing to Salvadoran political parties from 2006-2017. It is probably not a surprise that the conservative ARENA party, backed by El Salvador's wealthy and businesses, received the bulk of political donations. ARENA disclosed $44.5 million in donations between 2006 and 2017 compared to only $13 million for the FMLN: The bulk of ARENA's political money came from donations by businesses and other legal entities ("personas jurídicas") such as foundations In contrast, the bulk of the money flowing to the left wing FMLN came from donations by individual donors ("personas naturales"): The report discloses that the single largest donor to ARENA or any political party was a non-profit entity named the "Centro de Estudios Políticos 'Dr. José Antonio Rodríguez Porth.'...