Salvadorans overwhelmingly approve of Nayib Bukele's performance so far

According to poll results released by the Salvadoran newspaper La Prensa Grafica on Friday, Nayib Bukele finishes his first three months in office as the president of El Salvador with an historically high approval rating of 90.4%. Only a tiny 4.4% of Salvadorans disapprove of the job he is doing. This is 15-20 points higher than Mauricio Funes and Tony Saca at the same points in their terms in office, and more than 50 points higher than Bukele's immediate predecessor Sanchez Ceren. The numbers are really quite striking. Bukele achieved the presidency outside of the formerly dominant parties, ARENA and the FMLN. Now large blocks of the traditional supporters of those two parties are saying they approve of this president from the "New Ideas" party. Bukele's popularity gives him tremendous bargaining power with the deputies in the National Assembly who have to fear that opposing Bukele could cost them their seats in the 2021 elections...