40th anniversary of Romero assassination calls for solidarity

When I was searching for a quote from Saint Oscar Romero to share on this 40th anniversary of his martyrdom, a quote which would be appropriate in these strange days of pandemic, it seemed to me we should hear words of Romero on solidarity with the human family:
The present form of the world passes away,
and there remains only the joy of having used this world
to establish God’s rule here.
All pomp, all triumphs, all selfish capitalism,
all the false successes of life will pass
with the world’s form.
All of that passes away.
What does not pass away is love.
When one has turned money, property, work in one’s calling
into service of others,
then the joy of sharing
and the feeling that all are one’s family
does not pass away.
In the evening of life you will be judged on love.
(Jan. 21, 2979)
Taken from The Violence of Love, a collection of excerpts from homilies of Oscar Romero, translated by James Brockman.

You might be interested to review these other accounts of aspects of Romero's ministry by journalist Gene Palumbo:


Carlos X. said…
Tim, this has always been one of my favorite Romero quotes. Gracias.
thelifemosaic said…
I'm a longtime reader of your blog since my seminary trip to El Salvador to march on the 30th anniversary of Monsignor's assassination. Thank you, as always, for posts that inform the head and pull at the heart, Tim. - Nate in Minneapolis