The plagues afflicting El Salvador

For those living in El Salvador, it can feel like life is being lived in a series of apocalyptic moments, as plagues, natural and man-made, buffet the country. 1 ) The newest plague – voracious locusts . Swarms of flying locusts, which can devastate fields of crops in a matter of hours, have arrived in Central America . The hungry insects have already caused damage in the department of Peten in Guatemala and the International Organizationfor Regional Agricultural Health (OIRSA) has warned El Salvador to be on alert. Grasshoppers in field in Peten, Guatemala President Nayib Bukele promptly announced his government is taking immediate measures to confront the threat. The government circulating images of soldiers walking through corn fields searching for the insects. The president flew with a squad of military helicopters to hold a press conference in a corn field in San Vicente department to descr...