Schooling in times of COVID

Since the middle of March, schools at all levels in El Salvador have not had in-person classroom learning in order to avoid the spread of the coronavirus in the country. This will continue for months more as the Ministry of Education has announced that public schools will not have resume in person during this calendar year. In a country where internet access is not universal, and where most people access any online content only over cell phones, the switch to virtual learning has been a challenge. A recent article from FocosTV reported that only 1 in 10 Salvadoran households have an internet-connected computer according to government statistics, but 9 of 10 have a cellphone which they now use for access to schooling. Faced with this reality, most public school interaction between teachers and students occurs through WhatsApp, the widely used smartphone app. 25,000 teachers across El Salvador are using the chat application in order to communicate le...