Tying it together

This post attempts to tie together the threads of many developments in the recent news from El Salvador. United States Charge d-affaires, Jean Manes, is leaving El Salvador with a parting blast at the Bukele government. After Bukele's May 1 sacking of supreme court magistrates and the attorney general, the Biden administration sent Manes, who had previously been Ambassador to El Salvador from 2016 to 2019, to deal with the challenging relationship between the countries. (As of today, Biden still has not named a new ambassador to El Salvador). On a morning interview show , Manes spoke of paid media attacks orchestrated by the government against the Embassy, herself, and Joe Biden. Today the US Statement Department said that Bukele government had rejected a path towards a productive bilateral relationship. Manes' criticism included the proposed Foreign Agents Law in El Salvador. The march towards approval of that mea...